Various Artists. Música de los cultos africanos en Cuba. (No Label - Private pressing)

"Recogida por Lydia Cabrera
Grabación de Josefina Tarafa"
(Collected by Lydia Cabrera
Recording by Josefina Tarafa)
Accompanied by a 19 page booklet with notes by Lydia Cabrera.
Pictured above is the 2nd part of a two-box set collection. Parts or all of this collection have been released on a series of 3 compact discs on the Smithsonian label. Some references site "Burgay LP" as the record label.
(Info below from The American Folklife Center.)
Fourteen 12-inch discs entitled "Música de los cultos Africanos en Cuba" (Music of the African cults in Cuba), featuring instrumentals, prayers, salutes, and songs recorded in Agramonte, Jovellanos, Pedro Betancourt, and Perico, Matanzas Province, Cuba, by Josefina Tarafa, ca. 1955. Though the majority of these recordings are of the Lucumí cult, the collection also includes liturgical songs of the Arará and several Congo cults. The collection includes an article by Lydia Cabrera and one-half linear inch of descriptions and lists. Unless stated otherwise all songs are accompanied by a combination of drums, metallic idiophones, and shakers. (2E6KP 2469-2767 Musica de los cultos africanos en cuba)
AFS 11,589-11,591A: Three discs containing songs, prayers, and instrumentals, mostly in praise of orishas, (gods and saints of the pantheon worshiped by African faiths in the New World). Performers include Miguel Santa Cruz, Gustavo Díaz, Marcos Portillo Domínguez, Juan González, Domingo Hernández, Fernando Hernández, Cándido Martínez, and Inés Sotomayor. (Two hours)
AFS 11,591B-11,592A: Two discs containing twenty-six songs sung by Fernando Hernández, Inés Sotomayor, and group. The first seventeen are led by Sotomayor, the remaining by Hernández. (Forty-eight minutes)
AFS 11,592B: One disc containing twenty instrumentals (oro de tambores) in praise of orishas, performed on batá by Miguel Santa Cruz, Gustavo Díaz, and Juan González. (Thirty-one minutes)
AFS 11,593: One disc containing twenty-four songs (oro) in praise of orishas, sung by Antonio Alberiche and Cándido Martínez with batá by Miguel Santa Cruz, Gustavo Díaz, and Juan González. (Fifty-nine minutes)
AFS 11,594: One disc containing twenty songs used at funerals performed by Augustín Diago, Florinda Pastor, and group. The first twelve are described as Cantos de Palo Gangá Ñongobá, and the remaining as Cantos de Palo, Congo Musunde y Ganga. (Forty-two minutes)
AFS 11,595A: One disc containing six songs sung by Silvino Baró, Martín Catalá, Sergio Rodríguez, and Rodolfo Viart. (Thirty-one minutes)
AFS 11,595B: One disc containing seven Congo songs (mayimbi, toque de palo) performed by Silvino Baró, Martín Catalá, Sergio Rodríguez, and Rodolfo Viart. (Thirty-two minutes)
AFS 11,596A: One disc containing twelve Lucumí songs in praise of orishas, performed by the same musicians as AFS 11,595. (Thirty-one minutes)
AFS 11,596B: One disc containing nine arará songs performed by the same musicians as AFS 11,595. (Thirty minutes)
AFS 11,597A: One disc containing nine instrumentals, prayers, and songs, performed by Petronila Hernández, Antonia Alberiche, and Domingo Hernández. (Twenty-four minutes)
AFS 11,597B: Seven instrumentals performed on drums by Domingo Hernández, Domingo Hernández Jr., Marcelo Carreras, and Ángel Rolando. (Eighteen minutes)
AFS 11,598-11,599A: Two discs containing twenty-eight songs accompanied with drums by Alberto Yenkins (Yin) and group. (Sixty-eight minutes)
AFS 11,599-11,600: Two discs containing thirty funeral songs (itutu) performed by Fernando Hernández and group. (Sixty-two minutes)
AFS 11,601: One disc containing twenty songs in praise of orishas. (Forty minutes)
AFS 11,602: One disc containing thirty-six congo songs (cantos congos y gangas) performed by Florinda Diago and his family. These are songs that would be sung at a wake or vigil "para llorar y despedir a los muertos" (to mourn and say goodbye to the dead). (Forty-eight minutes)
Labels: 1950s, 1957, Josefina Tarafa, Lydia Cabrera, Private Pressing
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